Gigi Ge is a graduate of the renowned Tzu Chi International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine College in Vancouver,where she completed a 4-year program at the Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine level. She is a Registered Acupuncturist with CTCMA in BC, and also a member of the TCM & Acupuncture Association of BC.
Gigi focuses mainly in pain disorders, emotional disorders and gynecological issues. She also helps patients with digestive problems and many others. She utilizes a mix of Acupuncture, Tui Na, Cupping, Scraping, Scalp Acupuncture and Auricular Therapy.
Gigi believes in the holistic wellness and balance. People have innate healing powers; the self-awareness and self-nourishment are incredibly important. The combination of multiple treatments can help patients achieve optimal health. The Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment not only adjusts the physicality, but also works on the breath and the spirit.
Gigi originally comes from China, where she got the diploma of Acupuncture and Massage from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2012. Then she followed in the footsteps of her Master to practice acupuncture and medical Qi Gong before she moved to Canada.
In her spare time, Gigi loves the outdoors, biking, hiking, and trail running. For relaxation, she loves to read with music, gardening, watch movies and cook Chinese food with family and friends.
Acupuncture is the practice of penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles which are then activated through gentle and specific movements of the practitioner's hands or with electrical stimulation. Acupuncture is part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It originated in China over 3,000 years ago. Through the theories of TCM, the human body has more than 700 acupuncture points connected by meridians. These meridians create an energy flow (Qi, pronounced "chee") through the body that is responsible for overall health. Disruption of the energy flow can cause disease. By applying acupuncture to certain points, it is thought to improve the flow of Qi, thereby improving health. In 1979, the WHO held a symposium on acupuncture. They created a list of 43 diseases that acupuncture can help with. By now, the World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for over 100 conditions.
Acupuncture is done using hair-thin needles. Most people report feeling minimal pain as the needle is inserted. The needle is inserted to a point that produces a sensation of pressure, soreness, numbness or ache. Some people report acupuncture makes them feel energized. Others say they feel relaxed.
The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for these diseases, symptoms or conditions, because acupuncture has been proved – through controlled trials – to be an effective treatment: Pain Disorders: Musculoskeletal Pain (back, neck, knee, shoulder, elbow, etc.), Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Migraines, Headaches, Sciatica, Sports Injuries, TMJ, Post-Operative Recovery, Nervous System Disorders Emotional Disorders: Depression, Insomnia, Anxiety, Bipolar, Irritability, Sadness, Stress. Gynecological Disorders: PMS, Painful Menses, Menopause, Post-partum disorders, Infertility, etc Gastrointestinal Disorders: Indigestion, Constipation/Diarrhea, Acid Reflux, Gastritis. Respiratory Disorders: Asthma, Allergies, Bronchitis, Sinusitis. And also: Dizziness, Raynaud’s, Night Sweat, Prolapse, and more...
When practiced by a trained, Registered Acupuncturist, acupuncture is extremely safe. It is drug-free and patients will not suffer of possible adverse reactions. However, there are certain conditions you should notify your acupuncturist about before undergoing treatment. If you have a pacemaker, for instance, you should not receive electroacupuncture due to the possibility of electromagnetic interference with the pacemaker. Similarly, if you have a tendency to bleed or bruise easily, or if you are a hemophiliac, you may want to consider a different type of TCM treatment modality.